The emo style is becoming a rage among both boy and girls these days. If you really want to adopt this look, then the best way to do is to wear a black T-shirt. The jeans should be fitted along with a studded belt. The dark kohl also comes as a necessity of this look. The kohl should be quite thick near the eyes. If you really slosh it, then it will make your eyes look horrifying. Moreover, colored eyeliner would be a good idea with a colored T-shirt.
Emo makeup for girls

The whole essence of the Emo look is to appear funky. So, accessories like wristbands and fingerless gloves are a must. Even nail varnish can perfect this look for you if you are wearing exciting colors. Nail colors like blood red, jet black and silver are great for this look. You can even sport a nose ring or a stud for this look. To further make yourself look cool, go for a torn vintage denim blue or black jacket. The great ideas for this look are black ribbons tied on hair. The Emo look can also be accentuated if you are willing to support it with dark colored hair especially short hair with streaks.