- painted or naturally black hair are necessary for cutting off exactly on half of forehead. It is desirable thick. Pieces ahead and side curls on ears and behind;
- whiskers should be indispensable;
- hair are necessarily disheveled and stick out every which way;
- hair on a nape also are tousled and raised;
- at will in a back part it is possible to cut off hair shortly enough and to make thorns by means of gel;
- a fragmentary slanting bang, probably, with a purple lock. The bang hangs down, closing one eye, and reaches a cheek;
- almost bleached person, lips pale, practically in tone to a skin, eyes brightly brought. It is possible even to represent on the person black paths from the imaginary cosmetics washed away by tears. And it is possible to finish a black pencil teardrops.
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emo hair style