Sexy smoking hot emo and scene girls are beyond your league. They’re beyond your planet. They’re reaching for the moon. You’ll never date one. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look at pictures of them and dream.
The opposite of the nerd girl with glasses, the sexy scene girl is the one the internet nerd will never have a chance with. She is the epitome of coolness. She is everything they are not. They might as well just slink back to their basements. But everyone wants want they cannot have and for this reason, they are strangely fetishized over and above many of the other female denizens of the internet.
Sexy emo and scene girls gallery

A whole music industry, frontlined by bands such as the “get up kids” and “sunny day real estate,” was built up around them. Emo fashion was generally a retro look, with tight fitting fifties sweaters and tighter pants. Hair was usually long, sometimes died black an often with long bangs which is obscure one eye or part of the face. Today, emo culture has fallen by the wayside, but their fashion eventually evolved into what now know as the ‘scene’ girl, many of whom still feature the signature emo bangs, but now with more volume.
Sexy emo and scene girls gallery
A scenie has hair and clothes that would make any magazine model jealous. And at the moment, a particular style of big, bangsy hair and asymmetrical clothing seems to be the height of cool, or, I guess, the height of ‘scene.’
Sexy emo and scene girls gallery
Each emo and scene girl's fashion is nuanced to reflect which particular music or club scene she is currently into. A goth scene girl looks gothy. An indie rocker scene girl looks less gothy.
But seeing is believing. And I know ‘scene’ when I see it. And now, so will you
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